RHOEN-Innovations is the start-up investment subsidiary of the German hospital group RHOEN-KLINIKUM AG. We are interested in early-stage start-ups that stand out from the competition in the digital health and medical device technology field. Our investment scope is focused primarily on hospital innovations, outpatient care and network medicine.
Along with RHOEN-KLINIKUM AG we go beyond the pure financial investment and offer support in product testing and development, as well as guidance with the certification process and clinical studies. Furthermore, start-ups can benefit from long lasting relationships with well-established companies being active in marketing and distribution of medical technologies.
Our investment scope is focused on early-stage digital health and medical technology companies that provide innovation to assist in the treatment and monitoring of patients both within hospitals and remotely. If you find yourself within one of these fields, we are excited to get to know more about you and your company.
We help start-up companies with the strategic and operational challenges that early stage companies typically face – whether it’s acquiring initial customers, building a scalable business or leveraging products into new markets. Our focus is on technology and companies that improve the all-round quality of patient care. We are focused on long-term beneficial partnership for growth. To do this, our model is unique in the early-stage investment universe since we offer strategically relevant access to experts, clinics and partners.
Contact details
RHÖN-Innovations GmbH
Schlossplatz 1
97616 Bad Neustadt a. d. Saale
E-Mail: info@rhoen-innovations.com